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Career Guidance Grade 8
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Multiple Intelligences Quiz Save it to Your OneDrive Question #1: CAREERInsite Interests Exercise Match Up Your Interests with Careers by Taking the Interests Exercise Quiz --> take the Holland Codes Quiz Question #3: Research your chose jobs using CAREERInsite for information. Just type in the job you want to research to find videos and information. 6. Looking for Work SaskJobs (Provincial Site) JobBank (Federal Site) Writing a Resume: Resource 7. Finding a Home Renting an Apartment a. Google: houses for rent in Saskatchewan c. Google: apartment for rent in Saskatchewan d. Kijiji Classifieds Buying a House a. Search MLS for a house. b. Kijiji Real Estate 9. Phone, Cell Phone, Cable, Internet, Clothing Visit the SaskTel website for more information on each service provided on the spreadsheet. 10. Buying a Car a. b. Mitsubishi Motors Canada c. Honda Canada d. Toyota Canada e. Hyundai Canada f. Mazda Canada g. GM Canada h. Ford Canada i. Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge Canada j. BMW Canada
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