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Social Studies Grade 7 u Topic 1: More About Tamaulipas Maquiladoras in Mexico Is a maquiladora right for you? Explorando Mexico: Tamaulipas Information Keystone XL Pipeline Conflict u Topic 3: Indigenous People of Canada and Mexico Timeline Make a timeline of the events at You may also use the Read Write Think timeline creator u Topic 2: World Organizations vAmnesty International Website vInternational Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) vEnterprise Development International vCARE International vRight to Play vGrameen Foundation vUnitus vMennonite Economic Development Association (MEDA) vOpportunity International Canada vCatholic Relief Services vCanadian Feed the Children vDavid Suzuki Foundation vDignitas International vUSC Canada vSave the Children Canada vChristian Children's Fund of Canada vWorld Vision Canada vGreenpeace Canada vThe Nature Conervancy of Canada vEquator Coffee vFair Trade Federation vTen Thousand Villages vGlobal Exchange vJust Coffee Search the Charity Navigator to see if your assigned charity is listed; you can use this site to help you critique the charity. u Topic 3: World Conflict Find and use newspapers from your assigned country to get a conflict or issue of negaive peace. Use the following web page and do a search for your country: Online World Newspapers Contact your local Member of Parliment, who represents you in the Canadian govenment: Members of The House of Commons u Topic 4: Location and Culture Religious Organizer Report on International Religious Freedom Sacred Sites Sacred Destination
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Social Studies Unit 2: Peace and Interaction
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