These links will help you with your research.
Xara Help Videos XaraXone on YouTube Try what the pros are doing with Xara. CreativeBoom Here is a list of graphic designers to research. When you click on a link look for their portfolio or examples of their work. Pick two favourites and two you don’t like, write them down and list the “likes” and “don’t likes” on your myCriteria rubric. First Names Reference Database Discover what your first name means and its origin here. Soul Quizes How well do you know yourself? Take the BeliefNet soul quiz and find out! A neat idea to help you with your Personality Scrapbook Theme! (For your symbolic characteristics.) Kabalarian Name Philosophy Kabalism is an extreme mystic sect that separated from Judaism thousands of years ago. See what they think your name means on their site. Do not use it for your work. It is for "ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY!", which means, don't take it too seriously. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to input your name. What Would Your Name Be in Different Languages? Babylonian Braille Chinese Egyptian Hieroglyphs Greek Hawiian Eqyptian Hieroglyphs 2 Hebrew Japanese Japanese Kenji In Languages from Around the World Use this web page to help you investigate a toy fad. Browse through the fun and fascinating fashion, collectible, activity and event fads of the last 100 years. . Metis Nation of Ontario Information on the organization as well as the history and culture of the Metis in Canada. A Scattering of Seeds Use to research immigrant groups. Use this link to find out more about your focus cultural group that immigrated to Canada. In order to see if the web page has the information on your focus group first go to each season they have listed, go to "Edit" on your browser, and search for your group of immigrants. Use the links you find to gather information. Cultural Profiles Project Use to research immigrant groups. This is a web page that is maintained by the Government of Canada. It outlines some of the different cultural groups that immigrate to Canada and what their lives where like back in their home country. Our Elders: Interviews with Our Saskatchewn Elders Articles from Saskatchewan elders on a number of topics. Government of Canada Website on Civilizations First Nations information here.
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